Saturday, April 16, 2022

Rommel in a Conference at Canteleu


On 30 March 1944, Generalfeldmarschall Erwin Rommel (Oberbefehlshaber Heeresgruppe B und Generalinspekteur der Küstenbefestigungen West) held a meeting with Wehrmacht officers in Canteleu, Normandy, to discuss the development of the German defense network being built there. This photo shows the former Commander of the Afrikakorps pointed his finger to the map, while in front of him in attention is Generalleutnant Wilhelm Richter (Kommandeur 716. Infanterie-Division). The bald officer standing in the center is General der Panzertruppe Adolf-Friedrich Kuntzen (Kommandierender General LXXXI. Armekorps). Other high-ranking Wehrmacht officers who were present at the meeting in Canteleu but do not shows in this photo includes: Generalfeldmarschall Gerd von Rundstedt (Oberbefehlshaber West), Generalleutnant Rudolf Hofmann (Chef des Generalstabes 15. Armee), Generalleutnant Dietrich Kraiss (Kommandeur 352. Infanterie -Division), and Generalmajor Rudolf Stegmann (Kommandeur 77. Infanterie-Division).

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Friday, April 1, 2022

Rommel and Luftwaffe Ace Joachim Müncheberg



The meeting between Oberleutnant Joachim Müncheberg (Staffelkapitän 7.Staffel / III.Gruppe / Jagdgeschwader 26) and the "Desert Fox" General der Panzertruppe Erwin Rommel (Kommandierender General Deutsches Afrikakorps) in North Africa, June-July 1941. Behind them parked a Heinkel He 111 H4 VG+ES (WNr 4085) medium bomber which served as the "Kurierstaffel vbz Africa" ​​(Rommel's private transport plane). Here Rommel seems to be or has already made an air trip, which can be seen from the schwimmweste (life jacket) he is wearing. Meanwhile, not visible from this angle is the bandage on Müncheberg's left knee that he received after he got injured in a sport competition in Erfurt in May 1941 (he fell during a 110-meter hurdles race!). Oberleutnant Müncheberg and his leading Staffel are the only elements of the Jagdgeschwader 26 (JG 26) operating in North Africa, and that too only during June and July. During his brief existence, 7. Staffel was recorded to have shot down eight British aircraft, with five of them being recorded by the Staffelkapitän! This photo was taken by Kriegsberichter Opper of KB-Kp. Lw. 7 (Kriegsberichter-Kompanie Luftwaffe 7). Notice the field-modified sandals from the shoes worn by Joachim Müncheberg!

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Rommel and Erwin Menny

General der Panzertruppe Erwin Rommel (Kommandierender General Deutsches Afrikakorps) directs the movements of his force with Oberst Erwin...