Sunday, June 12, 2022

Rommel and His Leica Camera

Rommel pictured with his Leica camera, a gift from Joseph Goebbels. An ardent photographer, he often requested that his ADC take a shot that included him. During the French campaign he wrote to his wife, Lucie, requesting that she 'cut out all the newspaper articles' featuring him. Later during the evening of 7 February 1941, he penned a 'coded' letter to her explaining that his new assignment would hasten his 'rheumatism treatment', his physician having recommended the warm North African climate as a remedy for his condition.

Nazi propagandist Dr. Josef Goebbels knew by 1940 that he had something special in Rommel. He was a rebel who refused to play by the rules. He was personally brave, he always led from the front, and he drove himself as hard as his men. In fact it was Goebbels that was instrumental in him receiving the Leica III Rangefinder he was to use in Europe and his North African campaigns. Many 'photos of his authorship or probable authorship survive from the various theatres of war he was a part of.

Rommel even had a German propaganda staff Lieutenant Alfred Berndt, in North Africa who directed photographers and suggested poses for Rommel to appear in the propaganda magazines of the time.

In 1980, Gianni Rogliatti, a researcher discovers a letter in the Leica Wetzlar's archives. The correspondence is between Rommel and Leica's Dr Ernst Leitz. The letter was sent on 6 February 1943 with the letterhead bore the mark of the fearsome Panzerarmee Afrika".

The correspondence was addressed to Dr. Ernst Leitz, and Rommel gave thanks to him on his creation with camera serial number No. 375000. Rommel was a great admirer of the famous German camera, which he used with regularity and appreciated its legendary qualities.


Panzer army Africa

The Supreme Commander

Headquarters, 6 February 1943

To Mr. Dr. Ernst Leitz, owner of the company, G.m.b.H., Ernst Leitz Wetzlar. Dear Mr. Leitz I would like to express my Special thanks to the Leica camera 375000 I was sent. I will be a faithful companion in my future work, since I know from personal experience what value has the photo, not only as a souvenir but also as study material and knowledge. Thank you also for your good wishes, of which we will have soon particularly need.


Heil Hitler!


General field marshal

The camera with this serial number was never found and if it does pop up one day, you can bet t would be worth a small fortune.

Source :
"Rommel in North Africa: Quest for the Nile" by David Mitchelhill-Green

Rommel and Erwin Menny

General der Panzertruppe Erwin Rommel (Kommandierender General Deutsches Afrikakorps) directs the movements of his force with Oberst Erwin...