Sunday, March 27, 2022

Rommel and Kriegsschule

From left to right: Oberstleutnant Johannes Frießner (Lehrgruppenkommandeur der Lehrgruppe B an der Kriegsschule Potsdam), Oberst Wilhelm Wetzel (Kommandeur Kriegsschule Potsdam), and Oberstleutnant Erwin Rommel (Lehrgruppenkommandeur der Lehrgruppe A an der Kriegsschule Potsdam). There is no description of when and where this photo was taken, but most likely it was in the summer of 1937 when the three men were both serving at the Kriegsschule Potsdam. During his tenure at the German Army's most important war school, Rommel took the time to wrote the book "Infanterie Greift an" (Infantry Attack), which were later being used as a handbook on the training of the foot soldiers in many countries. In 1936 Rommel was served temporarily as Hitler's bodyguard at the Nürnberg Reichsparteitag. The Führer was so impressed by the skills of the talented young officer that he chose Rommel to be the commander of his headquarters and personal bodyguard unit for the period of 1938-1940. The three person depicted in this picture were latter awarded the prestigious Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes, with Rommel receive the highest grade: Brillanten.

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Rommel and Erwin Menny

General der Panzertruppe Erwin Rommel (Kommandierender General Deutsches Afrikakorps) directs the movements of his force with Oberst Erwin...